Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Uh Ohh

I'm pretty sure that Hillary's wins last night will unleash the dogs of hell within the Democrat party. Oh sure, everyone will try to make nice, but there is nothing like a contested election to tear people apart, and there is simply no way that this will end well for the party.

God truly does work in mysterious ways. Who'd have thunk, with all they had going for them, that the Demos would find a way to fuck it up, but fuck it up they have.

This thing will have to be decided by the superdelegates. There's no getting around that now. Whose idea was the superdelegates anyway? They're ultimately going to have to put the dagger in someone who's gotten roughly 50% of the vote.

Worse, I think it has dawned on many that the Obama thing was a flight of fantasy. You can just see it. He's over. He's going to put on the brave face and act like the frontrunner, but the grownups just showed up. Party's over.

Trouble is, he's got all those delegates. Now, we've got the Rezko trial heating up. What? An Iraqi Connection? Hoo boy. So soon, you'll have a fatally wounded Obama limping into the convention with an insurmountable, but not decisive, edge in delegates, and the mantle of divinity torn asunder. What's a superdelegate to do?

Wait a minute. What about Florida? And Michigan? Aww, who cares about them? It's not like Florida's likely to matter in the general, right?

And these guys think they should be running the country. My God, Obama even screwed up Canada! I get it. Change means we piss off our friends, and suck up to our enemies.

Meanwhile, did you catch McCain's speech? Not bad....


Blogger righterscramp said...

As political prognosticators go, if I was you I'd give up.

The math is not there for Hillary, she can't catch Obama with or without superdelegates. Obama, far from finished, remains the front-runner and will most likely win the nomination before they go to the convention.

As for Rezko, you've obviously only read or listened to the headlines of whatever rightwing rag or excuse for a news channel you read/watch. Obama is not implicated in anything criminal with regards to the Rezko trial. He is not even mentioned in any of the charges facing Rezko, it is, once again, Drudge and his rightwing smear merchants throwing shit against a wall and seeing if anything sticks, guilt by association. Of course suckers like you buy into it everytime without ever knowing what the truth is, see the truth really isn't important to you. Rezko and Obama had a perfectly legitimate business/political relationship in the past. That is not why he is in court today.

For once, educate yourself before spouting ridiculous and imflammatory gossip.

I see you're slowly trying to convince yourself McBush is the right guy to lead your shambles of a party. It must be like having to eat your own vomit!

12:20 PM  
Blogger alwaysright said...

Check your own math, you mental midget. Neither one can win without the supers. Obama's lead in pledged delegates is likely impregnable, but he can't get enough to win outright, either. So it's going to have to be decided by the superdelegates. Which is what I said.

I'll try to type a little slower, cuz I know you can't read very fast.

As for Rezko, he toured Obama's house with him, and then his wife bought a plot of land adjacent to the house and later sold him back half. Obama managed to save himself $300,000. That's a pretty big favor, no?

You're not the slightest bit concerned by that? If not, please don't try to pass yourself off as anything but a knee-jerk partisan. That transaction stinks on ice.

The larger point is that Obama's levitation act is over. Hillary nicked him up and punctured his above-it-all mystique. I'd say he ran a masterful campaign just to get this far, but there's not a lot of there there. The guy managed to parlay the fact that he didn't vote to go to war in Iraq (wasn't in the Senate at the time. Who knows how he would have voted if he had been.)to within a few weeks of being the Democratic nominee for president. He may still end up the nominee. But I don't think he's got any more cards to play.

I keep hearing Democrats comparing Obama to Reagan. What a joke. Reagan was a self-made multi-millionaire, who travelled the country for like fifteen years as a spokesman for GE, getting to know businesssmen and their concerns. He honed his views over a lifetime. He was a two-term governor of the seventh-largest economy on earth and had already mounted one presidential run before he succeeded in 1980.

Democrats thought Reagan was a lightweight in 1980. They were mistaken. Obama really is a lightweight

6:56 PM  
Blogger righterscramp said...

And is that, obviously to you, egregious transaction the reason Rezko is on trial? No, so enough with the mental midget stuff... it's Whitewater all over again and after $73 million what did we learn from Whitewater? Oh, yeah, Clinton had consensual sex with an intern and lied about it... well, knock me down with a feather.

As for Democrats comparing Obama to Reagan, I have never heard that, must only happen on Faux News with faux democrats (the only ones they can get to appear on that abomination of a channel). The last thing I would ever want is to see a democrat compared to that doddering old bastard who had lost his mind half way through his first term.

Obama and Reagan may share one similarity, they will both have raised taxes during their administrations!!!!!

Reagan was lightweight...

As for Obama, the superdelegates owe their allegiances to their constituents, if their districts voted for Obama, they will vote for Obama, all very democratic. I know democracy is a difficult concept for you authoritarian, warmongering blowhards on the right to grasp but it is the way it was decided and unlike you we will not change the rules halfway through just to please a bunch of pundits and breathless gasbags such as yourself.

As the narrative goes now, the continued fight for the democratic nomination is likely to keep Old Man McBush out of the headlines and politically muted, can't be a bad thing as far as I'm concerned, the less of him I hear and see, the better.

9:57 AM  
Blogger alwaysright said...

Actually, I understand democracy pretty well, and your party's superdelegate scheme is not very.(democratic, that is) So, if superdelegates wil vote according to their state's vote, does that mean Ted Kennedy will vote for Hillary?

I didn't say that the Obama house deal is the reason Rezko is on trial. But I can't believe that you're ok with your guy getting a $300,000 favor from a guy who IS on trial. Who also apparently has been bankrolled by one of Saddam's bagmen.

9:58 AM  

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