Sunday, March 16, 2008

And You Want to Be My Latex Salesman....

By any reasonable measure, this was an exceedingly bad week for Democrats. First, Geraldine. My take? Of course she's right. His entire political career is built upon his blackness. We now have Congressional districts that are racially apportioned. His run for the Senate was to fill the Carol Mosely Braun seat (vacated by scandal). He ran against Alan Keyes. Picking up a pattern here? Part of this is just business as usual, particularly in the Democratic party. You run the Catholic, or the Jew or the Irishman or the African-American where you think that will help. People tend to stick with their own. Obama has been a big beneficiary of that. It should be pointed out that he had the talent and the skill to parlay that into a legitimate (perhaps until now) run for the presidency and that he vanquished far more experienced white guys to get there. But at the end of the day, if Obama hadn't been the first black chairman of the Harvard Law Review, we wouldn't be having this conversation. If he was white, no one would have ever heard of him.

Then, Reverend Wright. With this, one can hear the air rushing out of Obama's balloon every time the good reverend comes on TV. "God Damn America!"... Kind of makes one nostalgic for the Mormon, doesn't it?

Speaking of deviant sexual practices, there's Eliot. Speaking for all of Wall St., I give you Ken Langone, "We all have our private hells. I just hope his burns hotter than everyone else's." How do you really feel, Ken?

Finally, you have the train wreck that is the Democratic nominating process. Of course, the last thing anyone wants is for superdelegates to decide a nomination. So why have superdelegates? Oh, and, what about Florida and Michigan? This process is so stupid, convoluted, and frankly undemocratic that I cannot conceive why anyone in his right mind would want this bunch running the show.

We're witnessing, by the way, the politics of personal destruction. The Clintons are annihilating Barack Obama. My guess is, they haven't used the really bad stuff yet. Geraldine and the minister are just the warmup act. In any case, they're putting extreme pressure on the superdelegates as they define Obama as unelectable.

We're approaching an unavoidable showdown over which group of victims is more deserving of being moved to the front of the line. Meanwhile, America is watching and thinking, "Neither."


Blogger Katrinka Yobotz said...

Both parties have manipulated this election into the deplorable state we're in. Does anyone really believe the three remaining candidates are who the people would like to have as president?

It's time for a change. Alan Keyes will continue on third party.

3:27 PM  
Blogger righterscramp said...

Alan Keyes... too funny!

As for your analysis, Alwayswrong, Obama's 'Race Speech' was monumental and has been hailed as such by pretty much the entire media except, of course, for Faux News. Nice way to bounce back Obama, now on to the Republican Parties pariahs, Hagee, Parsley etc. etc. etc.

Spitzer did the honorable thing and resigned unlike, Vitter and Craig at al. We now have a blind, black and even more liberal Governor in Mr. Paterson, you gotta love the way the world turns.

As for Hillary, she just can't win, the math, even with the superdelegates does not work for her, she was just staying in to see if Obama would implode and judging by his handling of the Race Issue, he ain't leaving.

Every party has it's old fossils like Ferraro, unfortunately for the repug's your old fossill is running for president and can't get his pandering, ill-informed mind around just who we're fighting in Iraq. As for Ferraro and her pathetic attack on affirmative action, Obama just threw that argument to the four winds. You want to talk about race, well Obama just invited you to the dance.

12:55 PM  

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