Been away. Decided to go and take in "The Speech" on YouTube before reading anyone else's opinions about it. Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. It was a lot like listening to a Bill Clinton speech back in the day. Both men are gifted orators who can make you believe whatever they say while they're saying it. It's only afterward when you start thinking...wait a minute!
In this case, it really does take some audacity to liken a preacher claiming AIDS is a white conspiracy from the pulpit to one's own grandmother expressing her quite rational apprehension of passing black men on the street.
Obama showcased his considerable oratorical skills. He's great at framing a problem or relating a touching anecdote. What's less clear is how his candidacy really does anything about these age-old divisions of race, other than making the old brothers in the barber shop feel good. The subliminal suggestion is, "Elect me, and America's troubles with race will come to an end." Really?
All I could think as I watched him was, "I really like this guy. It's too bad he's wrong about everything. It's such a shame that he's never given a moment's thought as to what we should actually do about failing schools. He's right. Failing inner city schools are a great scandal in this country. And what party has been carrying the water of the teacher's unions for sixty years?
Who fights tooth and nail against any innovation that might help poor kids? At the end of the day, what does Obama propose other than pouring more money into the same failed system?
George W. Bush, of all people, actually proposed actual legislation that has brought real money into education and imposed accountability on educators. W actually thought more about the real problems and solutions in education than the great and mighty Obama. What about vouchers? Where's reform?
As for race, I think the simple fact is simply that there is nothing more government can do about the subject, other than enforcing existing laws, and getting rid of affirmative action. It's just going to take time.
More hackneyed, class warfare rhetoric about "corporations", and "outsourcing". Why not be honest? You want to make it in America? Get hired by a big corporation. Don't look to Barack Obama or the Rev. Wright to help you out. Go flip hamburgers at McDonald's. In ten years, if you work hard, you can easily be making $100,000 as a store manager.
Let's face facts. There's no shortage of opportunity in America. There's a shortage of people willing to do what it takes to succeed. We've got free education in America, yet today I see that 67% of high school students in big cities drop out.
Why? I don't know. Maybe too many of them have listened to hate-mongers like Jeremiah Wright, who want to fill their heads with reasons why they can't make it. It's the United Sates of KKKA. The government invented AIDS to kill black men.
Here's a truism about Americans. We're all a little tribal. Italians root for Italians. Irish guys root for fellow Micks. Jews stick together. Blacks stick together. Want to know the most successful integrated organization in the world? It's the US military. Want to know why it works? Simple. No special treatment for anyone. Everyone has a job to do and everyone is expected to do it. America will be over race when we stop paying attention to race.
Show up every day, do your part and you'll be treated fairly.
The Democrat system of assembling various greivance groups (women, minorities) into a coalition has the effect of causing people to jockey for preferences based on race or gender, rather than by competing on merit. Hence, you get the utterly predictable outcome of a Democratic race completely polarized by race and gender.
Create a level playing field and take race and gender out of it. Voila! The best people will rise to the top.
In this case, it really does take some audacity to liken a preacher claiming AIDS is a white conspiracy from the pulpit to one's own grandmother expressing her quite rational apprehension of passing black men on the street.
Obama showcased his considerable oratorical skills. He's great at framing a problem or relating a touching anecdote. What's less clear is how his candidacy really does anything about these age-old divisions of race, other than making the old brothers in the barber shop feel good. The subliminal suggestion is, "Elect me, and America's troubles with race will come to an end." Really?
All I could think as I watched him was, "I really like this guy. It's too bad he's wrong about everything. It's such a shame that he's never given a moment's thought as to what we should actually do about failing schools. He's right. Failing inner city schools are a great scandal in this country. And what party has been carrying the water of the teacher's unions for sixty years?
Who fights tooth and nail against any innovation that might help poor kids? At the end of the day, what does Obama propose other than pouring more money into the same failed system?
George W. Bush, of all people, actually proposed actual legislation that has brought real money into education and imposed accountability on educators. W actually thought more about the real problems and solutions in education than the great and mighty Obama. What about vouchers? Where's reform?
As for race, I think the simple fact is simply that there is nothing more government can do about the subject, other than enforcing existing laws, and getting rid of affirmative action. It's just going to take time.
More hackneyed, class warfare rhetoric about "corporations", and "outsourcing". Why not be honest? You want to make it in America? Get hired by a big corporation. Don't look to Barack Obama or the Rev. Wright to help you out. Go flip hamburgers at McDonald's. In ten years, if you work hard, you can easily be making $100,000 as a store manager.
Let's face facts. There's no shortage of opportunity in America. There's a shortage of people willing to do what it takes to succeed. We've got free education in America, yet today I see that 67% of high school students in big cities drop out.
Why? I don't know. Maybe too many of them have listened to hate-mongers like Jeremiah Wright, who want to fill their heads with reasons why they can't make it. It's the United Sates of KKKA. The government invented AIDS to kill black men.
Here's a truism about Americans. We're all a little tribal. Italians root for Italians. Irish guys root for fellow Micks. Jews stick together. Blacks stick together. Want to know the most successful integrated organization in the world? It's the US military. Want to know why it works? Simple. No special treatment for anyone. Everyone has a job to do and everyone is expected to do it. America will be over race when we stop paying attention to race.
Show up every day, do your part and you'll be treated fairly.
The Democrat system of assembling various greivance groups (women, minorities) into a coalition has the effect of causing people to jockey for preferences based on race or gender, rather than by competing on merit. Hence, you get the utterly predictable outcome of a Democratic race completely polarized by race and gender.
Create a level playing field and take race and gender out of it. Voila! The best people will rise to the top.