Tour de Farce
I'm afraid I'm going to have to retract my Hillary prediction. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. One scarcely knows where to begin.
There's something almost Buffalo-like in her failure, minus, I suppose, any endearing qualities. Just epic, humiliating, gut-wrenching, inescapable Little Miss Sunshine failure on a global stage. Before this is over, I suspect we'll witness not just a little welling, but huge, wracking sobs, complete with snot bubbles and maybe a little vomit.
It's been gratifying to watch as Democrats discover that gee whiz, those Clintons aren't very nice people. Despite the fact that Hillary has what passes as credentials on the Dem side, she can't do what Obama can, or what her husband could do from the podium. The Dems need the hearts and flowers. Shoulda stayed a Goldwater Girl. Repubs will vote for a competent plugger like HRC. (See McAmnesty, er, McCain)
Actually, the rise of Obama, in a perverse way, somewhat rehabilitates the Democrat party in my eyes. The Clinton era laid bare the raw, mendacious nature of Dem politics at its worst. It starts out with lots of flowery language, but it always ends up like mud wrestling. At this juncture, Obama seems to have made a comparatively clean rise (although I imagine someone will find some dirt on him--actually I imagine the Clintons already have some dirt on him, which will be released through a third party), and may not actually owe anyone too much. Given the choice between naive idealism and brutish thuggery, I'll take idealism.
Will the Clintons go quietly? I could see them putting up a hell of a fight because that's what they do. I can see Hillary winning in the general. I can see the Clintons going to the mattresses because they believe she has the best chance in the general. I think they're right. I also think they owe it to themselves and their party to throw everything including the kitchen sink at Obama, because if they don't, the Republicans surely will.
Let's don't forget Florida and Michigan. To me, the Dems best chance is the Hillary/Obama ticket. But if things keep going the way they are, it's going to be very hard to deny Obama the top of the ticket. Can't see HRC settling for #2, can you?
Meanwhile, the Dems are about to nominate a hopelessly unqualified candidate with an unbelievably pedestrian slate of discredited, old-school liberal policies. What's even more unsettling is, he might win.
Now, he shouldn't, but he might. There might be just enough stupid young voters, blacks, single moms, and old hippies to push him over the top--especially against an old, unexciting John McCain.
I hope the market, the economy, and the country survive!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to retract my Hillary prediction. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. One scarcely knows where to begin.
There's something almost Buffalo-like in her failure, minus, I suppose, any endearing qualities. Just epic, humiliating, gut-wrenching, inescapable Little Miss Sunshine failure on a global stage. Before this is over, I suspect we'll witness not just a little welling, but huge, wracking sobs, complete with snot bubbles and maybe a little vomit.
It's been gratifying to watch as Democrats discover that gee whiz, those Clintons aren't very nice people. Despite the fact that Hillary has what passes as credentials on the Dem side, she can't do what Obama can, or what her husband could do from the podium. The Dems need the hearts and flowers. Shoulda stayed a Goldwater Girl. Repubs will vote for a competent plugger like HRC. (See McAmnesty, er, McCain)
Actually, the rise of Obama, in a perverse way, somewhat rehabilitates the Democrat party in my eyes. The Clinton era laid bare the raw, mendacious nature of Dem politics at its worst. It starts out with lots of flowery language, but it always ends up like mud wrestling. At this juncture, Obama seems to have made a comparatively clean rise (although I imagine someone will find some dirt on him--actually I imagine the Clintons already have some dirt on him, which will be released through a third party), and may not actually owe anyone too much. Given the choice between naive idealism and brutish thuggery, I'll take idealism.
Will the Clintons go quietly? I could see them putting up a hell of a fight because that's what they do. I can see Hillary winning in the general. I can see the Clintons going to the mattresses because they believe she has the best chance in the general. I think they're right. I also think they owe it to themselves and their party to throw everything including the kitchen sink at Obama, because if they don't, the Republicans surely will.
Let's don't forget Florida and Michigan. To me, the Dems best chance is the Hillary/Obama ticket. But if things keep going the way they are, it's going to be very hard to deny Obama the top of the ticket. Can't see HRC settling for #2, can you?
Meanwhile, the Dems are about to nominate a hopelessly unqualified candidate with an unbelievably pedestrian slate of discredited, old-school liberal policies. What's even more unsettling is, he might win.
Now, he shouldn't, but he might. There might be just enough stupid young voters, blacks, single moms, and old hippies to push him over the top--especially against an old, unexciting John McCain.
I hope the market, the economy, and the country survive!
"Meanwhile, the Dems are about to nominate a hopelessly unqualified candidate with an unbelievably pedestrian slate of discredited, old-school liberal policies. What's even more unsettling is, he might win."
You obviously haven't read a damn thing about his policy positions. I know, it must be dispiriting to imagine someone actually having policy positions when your own candidate has none. Although, personally, I think Hillary has a better plank, Obama's is pretty well fleshed out and is about as far from your description than is possible.
"Now, he shouldn't, but he might. There might be just enough stupid young voters, blacks, single moms, and old hippies to push him over the top--especially against an old, unexciting John McCain."
Are you really that vapid? Should only white male republicans be allowed to vote? We are still a democracy, aren't we?
"I hope the market, the economy, and the country survive!"
Another republican myth... the economy does just fine whomever is in the White House, we have had sustained growth since WWII, a few hickups on the way but nothing this economy could not overcome despite the republican party's best efforts.
Obama wants to raise taxes. Discredited. Old school. Liberal. Obama's tax hike will cost a family of four earning $60000 about $1800. Should be great for the economy.
Obama wants to roll back Nafta and other trade agreements. Can you say Smoot-Hawley? Can you say Great Depression?
Obama wants to cut and run out of Iraq. Let's call that one just plain stupid. Even if you opposed the initial invasion (and it's by no means clear that Obama would have had the political courage to make that vote if he had been in the Senate), now that we've got it won, does it really make sense to jeopardize the stability the surge has brought? Who benefits from that other than Al Qaeda?
Now that we've got it won! Good grief...
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