Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bubbles Always Burst

The most vivid experience with a bubble I ever had was in March of 2000. It was at the height of tech-mania, and PALM had recently been partialy spun-off to the public by parent company 3Com. 3Com spun 15% of the company off and retained 85%. Within a few weeks, PALM stock had soared so much that the 15% of the company trading had a 3x greater market value than the parent co., which still owned 85% of PALM.

It suddenly became apparent that the market had completely lost its moorings as these cultish tech fiends just drove valuations past any sane level. It was as if everyone in the market just sort of looked around at everyone else, and we all realized we were Wily Coyote hanging in the air. That was the end of the bull market.

The Obamaniacs remind me of the tech fiends. They've run their candidate up to dizzying heights on the basis of... nothing much.

Now I'm wondering if the Michelle Obama, "For the first time in my adult life, I'm actually proud of America" gaffe is the PALM moment. The moment when the pros in the party look around at each other and think, "Holy Shit! Did she just say that?"

I'll posit that lots of folks are thinking, "What's the big deal? I'm ashamed of my country most of the time, too."

I'll just close by saying that there millions and millions of guys like me who are immensely proud of their country. Guys who feel like, if you hate it so much here, why don't you just leave, you smug, Ivy-league, delusions of grandeur-having, Chardonnay-sipping, Che-Guevara tee-shirt wearing, peace march going, Communist sympathizing, military-hating, Toyota Prius driving, chip on your shoulder-having bitch.

The Republicans are going to beat you like a rented mule with that one.


Blogger righterscramp said...

Oh pish... take a cold shower and calm down. She was refering to the elections she had witnessed in her adult life and that seeing a black man and a woman as viable presidential candidates made her proud.

Even O'Reilly was not willing to send out a "lynch" (An extremely unfortunate and disturbing phrase considering the subject - guess you just can't get institutional rascism out of your party) mob until he had all the facts.

Anyhoo, St. John has just burst that bubble and has replaced Michelle in the news cycles with his dalliances with telcom lobbyist and Cindy lookalike whatever her name is.

Too bad huh! Guess you will have to save up all your vitriolic misinformed hate for some other slime swiftboating smear from the well oiled machine of right wing irrellevance.

You really have no idea what's going on do you?

7:16 AM  
Blogger alwaysright said...

Looks to me like the NYT story will redound to McCain's advantage. The Times just shit all over itself. Again. But what do I know?

Actually, I think it serves McCain right for all his sanctimonious nonsense regarding money in politics. I guess it's pretty simple. If the guy had an affair with this bimbo and then did special favors, he's got to go. If it turns out that there is nothing more to the story, why on earth did the Times run it?

For the sake of the Times, I hope they've got more than what they ran today. For all your swipes at "Faux News", you've got to admit that this story (so far) is a joke.

I can only go by what I saw Michelle Obama say, not by her after-the fact explanation. Someone once said sommething like, "A gaffe is when you inadvertently tell the truth." That's how it came off to me. It's not just that she's never been proud of America. She's deeply ashamed of America. We're boorish. We're racist. We're sexist. We're homophobic. We use too many resources. Everyone in the world hates us.

America is what it is. It's chock full of WalMarts and McDonalds, and people drivng their families around in big gas guzzlers. We use a lot of resources here because we're the busiest, most productive people in the history of the world.

We're also the most generous, giving people in the history of the world. We're a country where Michelle Obama and her husband can rise to the very heights.

There is no racism in my party. The Democrats have institutionalized racism by their fealty to affirmative action. If Obama would denounce that, I'd believe that his candidacy is about something other than race. Seriously, if Obama was white, would anyone even know who he was? The entire point of his campaign is race, just like the entire point of Hillary's campaign is gender. You guys are all about identity politics. You haven't had a policy idea in fifty years.

5:47 PM  
Blogger righterscramp said...

There is no racism in your party? Then I suppose you agree with Trent Lott that America would have been better off with a Strom Thurmond presidency.

I suppose you agree with the Georgia legislature that insistes on flying a Confederate flag from its capitol building.

I suppose you agree with Rush Limbaugh who is constantly under attack for using racial epithets against Latinos, Asians and Blacks.

I suppose you agree that Don Imus should not have been fired for condoning racial remarks against the Rutgers Womens Basketball team.

I could go on... these are just recent cases. Racism is endemic in your party and your party uses it as a tool to attract white southern bigots to the polls. Practically their only remaining solid demographic.

To utterly deny it is risible.

And as for Mrs. Obama, you only saw what they wanted you to see and where does she express her shame, I must have missed that part.

7:28 AM  
Blogger alwaysright said...

I didn't say there were no racists in the party, only that as a matter of policy, there is no racism. Unlike in the Democrat party which clings to its antiquated race and gender-based preferences. Isn't it time to move to a color-blind society? Wouldn't the fact that its two remaining candidates are a woman and an African-American suggest it's time to level the playing field?

I see no reason to perpetuate legalized racial discrimination against my son. Or yours.

I could gain some respect for Barack Obama if he renounced this anachronistic injstice, but I'm not holding my breath.

Somehow, I doubt Dr. King dreamt of a day when men are still judged by the color of their skin.

6:37 PM  
Blogger righterscramp said...

So... you're saying that Affirmative Action worked so well, we should abandon it?

There remains a lot of injustice in our society, I for one think any program that can prove it's effectiveness should be sustained and indeed, strengthened.

If I use your reasoning and ridiculous rhetoric, I guess because 'the surge' has been such a huge success we should pull out of Iraq forthwith having achieved all we could possibly have imagined.

After all, just look at the results!

Forget about Turkey's invasion of the 'Autonomous Kurdish Region', forget about the 181 civilians, 23 Iraqi troops, 12 Iraqi policemen and 7 GI's killed this week, forget about the soon to be $800billion we've spent, forget that the Iraqi parliament has failed to pass any of the "Benchmark" laws Bush insisted upon (Sorry, they did pass the deBaathification law that apparently does the exact opposite of what it was intended to do), forget that Basra is run by the Mahdi Army and Marsh Arabs and that the British withdrawl had to be postponed until further notice, forget that Al Maliki is in London having treatment on some mysterious illness and has not been governing his country for the last two weeks, forget that 8,000 of the 32,000 surge troops will not be coming home this summer and our deployments, even with the 'success' of the surge will be higher in '08 than anytime during the previous 5 (yes five years) years of this debacle of an occupation, forget how many corners we've turned, how many 'dead-enders' we've killed, how many are still being recruited, forget that in the country - and on it's borders - we should have been concentrating on
the Taliban and Al Qaeda has reconstituted itself and is now 'bringing it on'.

You live in a bubble of contradictions, hypocracy and dillussion my friend.

7:15 AM  
Blogger righterscramp said...

By the way, the 'bitch' is still waiting to be beaten like a rented mule.


7:17 AM  
Blogger alwaysright said...

I'd say she took a pretty good beating from the punditry. And not just the righties. I even heard Bill Press say she should apologize.

It's not a worthwhile line of attack for Hillary. It's the Democrat primary. Pride in country doesn't sell with that group.

Wait for the general.

I'd say I nailed the McCain story as well. What a farce! What's next, rehashing old Kitty Kelly dish about Frank Sinatra and Nancy Reagan? Oh, wait, the Times already did that.

As for Iraq, yes it costs money, and yes people are getting killed. But if you think it would be less bloody or costly to fight al Qaeda in Pakistan, I think you're mistaken.

I don't think we want that fight. Iraq's a better battlefield for us. Eventually, it will probably dawn on even you that we've dealt al Qaeda a ruinous defeat there.

Yes it took longer than it might have, but our guys were basically making it up as they went along. Thank God for David Petraeus!

5:41 PM  

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