Caught my first dose of left wing talk radio this week. I have to admit I couldn't turn it off. Right-wingers can relax. We're in no danger of losing the intellectual high ground. It was all Dick Cheney all the time.
While I can understand the tendency to want to gloat when the other side F's up, it began to dawn on me that that's all they've got. There was a lot of grassy knoll-type conspiracy theorizing, as well as plenty of wild accusations, but at the end of the day, this was a simple hunting accident. Ultimately, it smacked of desperation. "Oh, please, can't this turn out to be something truly terrible? Die, Whittington, die!
The announcers all seem to have copied the annoying snarkiness of Rush Limbaugh without the intellectual firepower. Left-wingers all seem to think Rush is some great showman. He's not. Conservatives like me find him abrasive, and a poor spokesman for our cause much of the time. People listen to him because they agree with him, because he's locked onto certain core principles that resonate with many Americans--like an appreciation for free markets, a healthy skepticism of environmental fear-mongering, and an ability to poke holes in liberal hypocrisy.
Some of what I heard was truly offensive, some of it clever, but most of it vapid.
To use a poor football analogy, the right fumbled the ball, but the left went three and out.
While I can understand the tendency to want to gloat when the other side F's up, it began to dawn on me that that's all they've got. There was a lot of grassy knoll-type conspiracy theorizing, as well as plenty of wild accusations, but at the end of the day, this was a simple hunting accident. Ultimately, it smacked of desperation. "Oh, please, can't this turn out to be something truly terrible? Die, Whittington, die!
The announcers all seem to have copied the annoying snarkiness of Rush Limbaugh without the intellectual firepower. Left-wingers all seem to think Rush is some great showman. He's not. Conservatives like me find him abrasive, and a poor spokesman for our cause much of the time. People listen to him because they agree with him, because he's locked onto certain core principles that resonate with many Americans--like an appreciation for free markets, a healthy skepticism of environmental fear-mongering, and an ability to poke holes in liberal hypocrisy.
Some of what I heard was truly offensive, some of it clever, but most of it vapid.
To use a poor football analogy, the right fumbled the ball, but the left went three and out.
Left wing talk radio?? you can't mean NPR -- where was it?
I've been dying to hear a real, true liberal talk show. Sure, there's Bill Maher on cable but hard to tune in when you're in the car ;)
Madeleine, Here in Buffalo, there's an all-liberal talk radio station at 1520 am
Amazing. It's been said that liberals have a hard time holding together talk-show formats.
How about a critique: you mentioned Rush Limbaugh as abrasive and lacking in intellectual firepower.
How was this show? Dick Cheyney all the time? ridiculous. There are a lot bigger issues out there to be discussed.
I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of the show's format/style/whatever.
What I said was that Rush was annoying and abrasive, NOT that he lacked intellectual firepower. By the way, Cheney is spelled C-h-e-n-e-y.
My most recent post speaks to my impressions--there. seem to be just as many left-wing yahoos as right
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